Nile-side Zamalek cafe cluster, Club 33, has been stormed by police this afternoon under orders from the Minister of Water & Irrigation, with the intent of knocking down the dining complex.

Though the reasons haven't been fully disclosed, it's assumed that it relates to the venue's close proximity to the Nile. A bulldozer has knocked out parts of Club 33, but has been obstructed by a sit-in from employees of the various outlets.

Speaking to, Club 33 owner Shaza Hassan has denied any wrong-doing, asserting that the complex's lease isn't to end till 2017 and that all dues and taxes have been paid.

@Club 33 zamalek

Posted by Abdelrahman Meshref on Monday, 7 March 2016

This is not the first time that venues in Zamalek have ran afoul of authorities, with cafes on Abu El Feda Street in particular finding themselves a target for a variety of reasons.


By Kalam El Qahaira