Eid is just around the corner, and we’re impatiently counting down to it. Eid vibes are everywhere and everyone is celebrating in their own way. We’re quite used to seeing different decorations like balloons and sheep-like stuffed animals, but a butcher with bloody galabeya, holding a knife? Wait; what?



So, yes, that’s the kind of Eid decoration that Carrefour El Obour went with. Eid decorations have always been our thing in Egypt, but why freak people out? No, for real. Of all people, children will be terrified! Like why associate Eid with violence when it’s an occasion that teaches sacrifice and compromise? Is that some sort of dark humour?

All of that aside, “It’s only two days and we’ll no longer have to worry about life”?

Seriously? Why would that be a supposedly innocent sheep’s thought? Is this “How to evoke suicidal thinking 101”? Because if it is, it’s certainly working.

Luckily, some people claim that the butcher was removed after receiving backlash, which means no more nightmares, hopefully. I think at this point we have to say enough creativity for now.  Fingers crossed for the sheep though.