Image credit: Sport Diver

Dive Magazine; the world’s leading scuba magazine, has announced the winners of its annual Dive Travel Awards, and our treasured Egypt has been acclaimed as the second-best diving destination in the world, maintaining its spot from 2019. We came right after Indonesia, which kept its place as the top spot for the fourth consecutive year. Egypt accumulated a large number of votes from diving enthusiasts all over the world, despite the struggles and setbacks of the tourism industry throughout the past decade; the Egyptian Red Sea still, and always will, capture people’s hearts. On the plus side, it seemed that fewer tourists has made room for the ecosystem to recover, which allowed the coral to recover and become healthier.

The crystal-clear blue water, lively coral gardens, several hundred species of fish, stunning reefs, and dramatic reef walls not only make the Egyptian Red Sea one of the world’s finest dive sites, but it also turns it into a beautiful, magical place to explore. Regular divers and marine life lovers will definitely be pleased with this recognition. Egyptian dive centres also made it to the Top 10 for the first time in 2020. The Egyptian Red Sea accommodates everyone’s needs. It has an established dive industry and offers exceptional diving for both beginners and the experienced, such as diving right from shore in various beaches or even snorkelling along the shallow coral reefs and finding beautiful creatures.

The announcement came just a few days after Egyptian Scuba diver Saddam Al-Kilany broke a new world record for the longest dive. We guess the Egyptian Red Sea doesn’t only satisfy the eye and calm the soul with its beautiful scenery and visually stunning world of the depths, but it also challenges you to better yourself. A well-earned award for its vast and never-ending beauty.