For the second year in a row, Wadi Degla Clubs will be bringing you the highly anticipated CIB
PSA World Tour from the 28th of September till the 3rd of October at Mall of Arabia’s, The Park.
And after the championship’s massive success last year, the club didn’t think twice about
organizing the event again.
As only the top eight ranked squash players of each gender category are allowed to take part in
the prestigious CIB PSA World Tour, it’s deemed a world championship. Amongst this year’s
contestants are Egypt’s and Wadi Degla’s esteemed players; Nouran Gohar (ranked world
number 1), Ali Farag (2nd world rank), and Karim Abdel Gawad (3rd world rank).
The total prize this year is worth USD 310,000, which will be equally distributed among the
winning men and women. So, who are you rooting for?