We come across interviews with our favourite celebrities and socialites all the time, but we don’t always stumble upon something fun, intimate, and unstaged. Purple Talks brings the fun, easygoing side to light, and it’s definitely something worth your time.

Coming from a 19-year-old aspiring content creator is what makes Purple Talks an even more interesting watch. Nala Kamel, the young presenter in the making behind the interview series, is outgoing and confident. It even shows in her interviews how passionate she is about what she’s doing, and pursuing her dream at such a young age is something that deserves a round of applause.

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Kamel has interviewed many popular public figures ever since she started back in November 2019. Those include Mariam El Khosht, May El Ghety, Tara Emad, Aly Kassem, Ahmed Dash, Mayan El Sayed, Marwan Younis, Layla Ghaleb, Amira Adeeb, and many more. She also didn’t let COVID-19 stop her from continuing her project; she did some online interviews under the name Purple Talks Men El Beit.

Check out Nala’s YouTube channel and let us know what you think in the comments.